Welcome to my Portfolio Of Graphic Arts and Illustrations.

I will try to make these pages as simple as possible for you to navigate through.  I have tried to divide my work into some sort of classification, such as Fantasy, Science Fiction, and such, I found it impossible.  So I just threw it all up on the page. 

So I hope you will simply enjoy the trip through my mind, for my art is soulful expressions of the inner me.  

 Art for me has always been a avenue of expressing the pain and confusion abuse brought into my life and I used it readily as I grew up.  The artistic side of my life has always been the safe haven for all the stronger emotions left by abuse .  It was not until I broke free from the cycle and began to slowly gain some self confidence  that I began to believe that I had some talent.  This is the start of my dream, here in these pages.  I hope you will feel a part of the magic.

I have not attended school for art.   I just jumped in with both feet and started muddling my way through.  Here I will share the results with you.   Every dime I make I use to support my children, keep us safe and to produce more art.   I still dream of publishing my book of poetry and recently finished the final edit.  

Enjoy your trip through my mind, and please, drop me a line or comment in my Guest Book.



Walking DarkLands Portfolio One

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